A Fresh and Organic Bathroom

Chapel Hill, NC

Where we started

From an outdated 40 years old bathroom, create a contemporary an inviting guest bathroom that exudes serenity with organic surfaces and elements.

The Design Approach

  1. Use a suspended vanity to lighten up and create a fresh and water feel

  2. Incorporate LED lit over pebble stone as a point of interest/night light

  3. Install straw baskets as towel shelves and save space

  4. Add African wood art and artisan forged steel to warm up the space and bring art and character 

  5. Keep long uninterrupted lines to bring simplicity and expand space (remove all bullnoses and baseboards)

The Results

A Fresh and Distinctive Organic Bathroom

The combination of pure white, aqua, stoneware and pebbles brings freshness and elegance to this small dark bathroom


Project Two - Bathroom